Explanation & Examples
What is CRUD?
CRUD is an acronym for CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE – basic operations in data management. We show where and how they are used in practice.
What is CRUD?
The acronym CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) covers the four basic operations in data management.
They are used to manipulate and retrieve data in persistent data storage (databases).
- CREATE: Creation of new data records
- READ: Retrieval or display of existing data
- UPDATE: Modification of existing data
- DELETE: Removal of data records
CRUD operations form the basis for data processing in software systems of all kinds – from simple applications to complex, distributed systems.
CRUD operations in SQL and REST
The SQL database language has a corresponding command for each of the CRUD operations:
The REST API standard can map CRUD operations with the available HTTP methods:
CRUD frameworks
CRUD for software users
Many applications integrate CRUD operations into graphical user interfaces (CRUD frameworks) to make them accessible to end users.
As an example, users of customer management systems are able to create new contact records (data objects) and display, update or delete existing records – often with just a few clicks.
Many of these systems are designed as multi-user systems, allowing several users to call up a data record at the same time. Usually, changes to a data record are only made after a final confirmation and data does not have to be blocked for other users during processing.
The administration of a user account (creation, updating, deletion) is also based on CRUD operations.
CRUD in practice – Web application example
To illustrate how CRUD operations work in practice, let’s look at the example of a web application for managing production orders.
The following actions are carried out in the background in a database.
A user can enter information such as order number, product type, quantity and delivery date in a form. Based on this input, a new data record is created in the database.
A user can view a list of all open production orders. By clicking on a button or text dialog, the corresponding orders are retrieved from the database and displayed in a table.
A user can mark one or more orders as completed. The corresponding data records in the database are updated to reflect the new status.
A user can delete canceled or incorrectly created production orders. The corresponding data records are deleted from the database.
manubes as a CRUD application
manubes is an innovative cloud platform for digital production management, allowing manufacturers to manage production data and processes in a central location. Users get access to a wide variety of functions and tools and are able to create highly customizable solutions.
CRUD operations are at the center of many manubes features:
With the Datamodel Designer, manubes users can create their own data models and specify how data (such as production orders or product information) is stored within manubes.
Afterwards, new data records can be created (CREATE), modified (UPDATE) or deleted (DELETE). These operations can be automated with the help of the Workflow Designer.
Example: manubes users can link forms and buttons to workflows that update data records in the background. Possible applications range from order and material release to recording stock levels and documenting quality inspections.
The display of saved data (READ) is also a core function of the manubes platform. Manufacturers can utilize the Page Designer to create customized (real-time) visualizations, dashboards and overview pages.
Example: manubes users can visualize the status of orders and production systems in real time. If required, action elements such as buttons, forms and selection dialogs can be integrated to provide options for process control.
Discover manubes!
Cloud-based production management with manubes: Our innovative platform offers specialized tools for connecting production systems, managing and visualizing production data and automating production processes. manubes users benefit from a powerful infrastructure, worldwide access and maximum security.