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Get in touch with the manubes team
Our team will be happy to answer your questions about manubes, discuss your individual use case and provide you with further information.
Individual consulting
If you have any technical questions, our support will be happy to help you.
What is manubes?
manubes is a cloud-based platform for industrial production management.
With manubes, you are able to connect your machines, devices, databases and other production-related systems to a powerful and secure cloud environment. There, you have extensive options for organizing, visualizing, and managing your production: Create comprehensive data models, design automated workflows via drag-and-drop and visualize production data in real-time using dynamic webpages that allow authorized users to directly interact with production processes.
manubes users can access the platform from anywhere in the world and on a wide variety of devices via web browser.
Who benefits from using manubes?
manubes was developed for industrial production. Whether plastics manufacturers, automotive suppliers or energy providers: Companies in a wide range of industries benefit from the cloud-based structuring, visualization and automation of their production processes with manubes.
Does manubes offer a free trial?
Yes, we provide you with the opportunity to test manubes for free. In order to get access to your personal test environment, please visit
Will there be any additional extensions, Plug-ins or modules for manubes?
No, the purchase of additional extensions, Plug-ins or modules will not be required.